LIVING LIBATIONS – Peppermint Essential Oil
LIVING LIBATIONS – Peppermint Essential Oil
Perky and penetrating Peppermint Essential Oil is a refreshing burst of vivacious mighty mint molecules. Mentha piperita grows throughout Europe, Australia, and North America, yet Living Libations French distiller offers some of the purest, peppiest mint in all the lands. Peppermint is frequently added to soaps, toothpaste, gum, and candles and has remained a favorite breath freshener for many centuries. The bright, lively scent offers the morning a caffeine-free wake up call.
Botanical Name: Mentha piperita
Botanical Family: Lamiaceae
Extraction Method: Steam distilled
Part of Plant Distilled: Leaves
Country of Origin: France
Cultivation Method: Organic
Composition: 100% Mentha piperita
Consistency: Thin viscosity
Scent Description: Sharp, fresh, minty intensity.
In Living Libations: Happy Gum Drops, Ozonated Happy Gum Gel, Mint + Myrrh Tooth Serums, Lucky Love Butter, Frankincense First Friend, Tonic, Mint Condition Lip Fix, Seabuckthorn Cinnamon Hot Lover Lips, Feeling the Shoulder of the Lion, Peppermint Pal, Altogether Now Chocolate Bar, Open Sky Eye Serum, Open Sky Sheer Serum, Petal Soother Yoni Serum, Scalp Tonic, Seabuckthorn Shampoo, Seabuckthorn Styling Serum, Frankinense Fresh Sensitive Toothpaste, and Peppermint Exfoliating Scrub.
Blends well with: Frankincense, Spearmint, Lavender, Marjoram, Lemon, Bergamot, Lime, Silver Fir, Geranium, Chamomile, Tansy, Tea Tree, Thyme, Oregano, Carrot Seed, Spruce, and Yarrow.
Uses: Calming and cooling, apply a drop to temples and neck. Dilute to use in jojoba or a Best Skin Ever to cool redness. Inhale in salt pipe and diffusers to refresh focus, breathe beautifully, and alleviate apathy. Super duper in a salt pipe. Crystal clear in diffusers. Feels good on foreheads that have thought too much. Acts nice like portable, peppermint ice: apply neat to skin that is in need of some cool TLC.
Contraindication: Due to its cooling properties, do not use undiluted on children under five years old. Okay to use a small amount (1-2%) diluted, or consider using spearmint which is milder.
Pleasant Peppermint Essential Oil is distilled by one of Living Libations favorite, fourth generation family distillers. They create a magic mint that is the only Peppermint they can find that is distilled from fresh (instead of dried) leaves. This ancient elixir was a main ingredient in the famous Egyptian perfume preparation, Kyphi. Early Greeks used mighty mint in their bath water and as a restorative herb. All the rage in Europe by the end of the 19th century, peppermint was and is much more than a mere breath freshener. It feels nice like ice on the skin.
So many uses for marvelous mint, it is helpful and handy, like the Swiss Army knife of essential oils!